
  • The "Why do I need all this USB & SD media?" Holder

    3D-printed USB, SD, and MicroSD media holder

    This may belong in a "yet another" category for 3D modeling, but yes I wanted to design something for managing the countless portable media and dongles I hang onto. I also wanted a rectagular plot instead of a long strip that I see in many other models. Though this isn't a remix, this was definitely inspired by a USB SD and MicroSD holder I've used until now.

  • 250mm Trading Card Box, a 3D Print

    3D print of trading card container aside the container top

    I made this top-load trading card box to store Magic: The Gathering cards I collected from centuries past. It will store around 800 cards and will fit cards having light sleeves. The lift-off lid has a 0.6mm width and length clearance gap from the main container, providing a comfortable fit. All walls are 1.2mm, giving it adequate strength with minimal material usage.
